Sage and Solace Farm

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Journey Through The Chakras

$30 Drop-In

Dates: Saturdays April 13, 20, 27 and May 4, 11, 25.

Time: 9:30 a.m.– 10:45 a.m.

Price: $30 per person

Where: Sage and Solace Farm (2768 256th Street Langley Twp)

Combining the gentle practices of Yin Yoga, the dynamic flows of Vinyasa Yoga, the nurturing support of Restorative Yoga, and the healing power of sound and aromatherapy, this series offers a holistic approach to harmonizing your mind, body, and spirit.

Your ticket purchase includes admission to 1 session

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Each week, we delve into a specific chakra, unraveling its significance and potential blockages through carefully curated practices designed to restore balance and vitality to mind, body, and spirit.

Week 1: Root Chakra - Foundation & Stability. Ground yourself in the present moment as we focus on the Root Chakra.

Week 2: Sacral Chakra - Creativity & Passion Ignite your creative fire with practices designed to stimulate the Sacral Chakra.

Week 3: Solar Plexus Chakra - Confidence & Personal Power Empower yourself as we activate the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Week 4: Heart Chakra - Love & Compassion Open your heart to love and compassion through heart-centered practices.

Week 5: Throat Chakra - Communication & Expression Honor your truth and express yourself authentically with practices for the Throat Chakra.

Week 6: Third Eye & Crown Chakras - Intuition & Spiritual Connection Awaken your intuition and connect with the divine in the final week of our series.

Carlee Costello is a counsellor, yoga teacher and sound healing practitioner. Her love of supporting others has inspired her 20+ years of work in the mental health field. Carlee has provided counselling and yoga to women, children, youth and families in non profit organizations, schools, communities, residential and private settings. Through personal and professional experience she understands the importance of each step in an individuals 'Soul Journey'. Her ongoing personal exploration and work with the breath, yoga, sound and plant medicine allows Carlee to truly understand the impact each of these profound practices have in supporting overall physical, mental and emotional health. She is living her Dharma as she shares these healing modalities with others in fun and unique ways while healing physically and emotionally herself.